Sunday, May 24, 2015

Happy Memorial Day

I would like to wish everyone a Happy Memorial Day. Even though this is the day we honor our fallen soldiers, I would like to remind us that we need to especially honor our founding forefathers and foremothers that fought, bled and died to give us this beautiful country that we hold sole dear to our hearts. We need to remember that our country that once believed in traditional Christian, European values now has become into a country that reflects a third world country and our demographics have quickly become into one that looks like that of Mexico, China, or a typical Arab nation. We need to every day be praying to our God to give us strength, to stand steadfast in these dark hours and remain faithful to our race, faith, and homeland.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, officiates same sex marriage.

U.S. Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who by the way is a very liberal, jewess, anti-Christian judge, recently officiated a sodomite marriage. Do we wonder how she will rule on the issue of same sex marriage? Ummm. I'm sure there is no question how she will rule. This demonstrates more of the willingness of those on the Supreme Court to abandon the definition of marriage that has been well established since the beginning of time. Click on the link below to read the full story.