Saturday, June 27, 2015

The U.S. Supreme Court grants sodomites the right to marry- the moral destruction continues

Friday was another disastrous day in America's history. It was a time that the U.S. Supreme Court once again went against the will of the people and continued the moral slide to America's destruction. For the first time in history, the U.S. Supreme Court held that sodomites have a fundamental right to marry each other. With that one decision, it will allow the sodomites to openly flaunt their disgusting lifestyle in every Christian's face and our children. Our children will no doubt begin to start learning how sodomites are as normal as every one else. The sad fact is that sodomites should have never received any rights. Since the beginning of time, our Lord established that marriage was only between a man and a woman. It was a sacred union, and one that has always been the fundamental core of our Christian faith. Sodomy along with miscegenation was an abomination to God and our society reflected those views. However, such as removing the miscegenation laws in the 60's, the U.S. Supreme Court has put another knife in the heart and soul of America's identity, by granting sodomites equal status. Now, we as White Christians have a duty to continue to stand steadfast in these dark hours, and continue to spread a message of hope and deliverance to our people by letting our fellow brothers and sisters know that they have a right to exist, they have a right to promote their race, and they have a right preserve their culture.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Could transracial be the new real thing?

It appears with the recent controversy of Rachel Dolezar being disclosed as white and not black, can one identify themselves as another race. Rachel Dolezar is the local NAACP president in the state of Washington that lied to everyone, claiming she was black, when in reality she was white. Just like transgender, now transracial is being taken seriously—claiming one can “identify” as another race and thus be that race. Reality is not really reality. It is whatever we feel we are. I have posted a link to an interesting article regarding this issue. Very good.