Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Willis Carto, an American Patriot, dead at 89

Willis Carto, an American Patriot passed away on October 26, 2015 (Monday). He was probably the most influential White nationalist individual since the early 50's who was involved in a variety of publications such as The American Free Press, The Spotlight, the Barnes Review, as well as begin organizations such as the Liberty Lobby and the Populist Party to name a few. I have included a link about the biography of Willis Carto, written by Michael Piper, a long time friend and associate since the 1980s. I was honored to know Willis Carto, but my father, Pastor Thomas Robb was a very close friend to Willis Carto and the Knights Party was honored to have him speak at this past years Faith and Freedom Conference at the Christian Revival Center. I have included a picture of myself, Paul Fromm of Canada (a Canadian White activist), Dr. Ed Fields (who published the Thunderbolt and the Truth at Last for decades), and Willis Carto. Another picture includes all the individuals, but includes my father, Pastor Thomas Robb. All these men are some of the great pillars of the White Resistance movement. http://americanfreepress.net/willis-a-carto-american-patriot-dead-at 89/#sthash.wMFnb1Hu.gbpl&st_refDomain=www.facebook.com&st_refQuery=/