Sunday, August 16, 2009

Map of States Impacted if 2010 Census Doesn't Ask About Citizenship Status.

According to Roy Beck of, "The U.S. Constitution requires the federal government to count all Americans every 10 years for reapportioning seats in the House of Representatives. But the 2010 census will likely use a short survey form that doesn't ask individuals citizenship status. If this happens, it could cause an unfair distribution of House seats. States that contain a higher than average percentage of non-citizens could receive a disproportionately high number of House seats than states with a lower number of non-citizens.

The most recent American Community Survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau shows a total population of 298 million individuals living in the United States with more than 21 million being non-citizens. Counting only U.S. citizens would result in districts with approximately 635,000 people, whereby counting all individuals regardless of citizenship would create districts with more than 685,000 people. Therefore, the state of California that has 5.7 million non-citizen residents could gain five or more seats in the House.

In the map below, states colored in dark purple are likely to have fewer Representatives in the House if non-citizens (including illegal aliens) are included in reapportionment than if only citizens are considered. The states colored in lighter purple are vulnerable to having fewer. The states colored in orange are poised to benefit if non-citizens are included in apportionment.
Possible Winners/Losers after 2010 census."

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